Friday, August 29, 2008

Home from the Hospital and Focusing Forward

Monday I finally had my infamous surgery, Praise the Lord! I bled a little into the existing cavity, but that should resolve itself soon, and today, (Friday) I was released from the hospital to go home. Woot! Thanks SO much to all of you who prayed-many of you twice-for the surgery. I'll have a follow-up angiogram in 6 months.

I talked with Jodi and Patti today-and God- and I'm still planning on going to Canada, probably in a month or so. Here are some things you can be praying about for the Canadian plans (yes this is the shift back to blogging about Canada and less about my head, Thank God):

1. Medical Care- I'm on my parents insurance until taxes (April), which means I have a buffer, but should move asap, as it takes 3 months of residency to apply for Canadian Healthcare. Thankfully, though, Jodi and Patti know a Christian Dr. out there that, barring emergencies, will probably be able to take care of little things.

2. Money- the way we'll be living is very much by faith. Think of Acts where people sold their houses to meet each other's needs, or any cool story you've heard of God sending random checks right when they are needed. They do have some regular supporters that cover rent andutilities and such. Bottom line, if God wants me there-which as of now I am convinced he does-I know he will provide. But I'm sort of joining the family out there, as I'll be living with Jodi and Patti and so all our expenses are sort of just all of ours (food, rents etc). So you can be praying for provision there. All I really need is $200 for school payments, and I figure if God can fix a blood vessek in my brain, he can probably handle that. So be in prayer for that.
lastly there are a few small bills I'd like to knock out before I go (credit card, etc). I will be subbing until I leave so pray God will provide enough to get rid of those.

3. Coffee- As of now I'll probably be working closly with the high school drop-in ministry at the local HS and with the youger leadership at the HUB (youth center). They are mostly college-age and many were saved thriugh the HUB, and essentially run it, under Brian (or Baldy)'s supervision. I'll get the opportunity to misniter to them through leadership training and stuff. I'd LOVE for that to happen through an idea God put on my heart a couple years ago-a coffee shop designed to help connect the kids and build them spiritually. That is still in the works. Pray for a particular community sr. group who meet in a room that is in the same building as the HUB who don't wnat to give it up. We'd like to rennovate it-let them continue to use it their 8 hours a week, and the rest of the time run the coffee shop out of it. Right now they've said no. So pray God will change their hearts or give us another location.

Thanks again for the prayer. On that subject I'd like to assemble a prayer team as I move taht will receive a newsletter (by email or hard copy) from Cross Trainers in addition to your commitment to pray. It will have more general needs of the whole ministry you can be praying for-but it's like a big family. And you're not going to get a bunch of "opportunities to save children's lives by buyng them llammas and chickens" It's just going to keep you up on what God's doing with the ministry that I'm a part of, and while i'll be blogging, it'll be more consistent I think (c: SO if you want to commit to praying for me, and the family of believers I'll be serving with, let me know, and I'll only give them your email/address if you want the newletter (c: Please let me know if you'd like to be a part of supporting me and cross trainers in prayer! (you can comment or email me:


1 comment:

Jerome said...

Yay and praise God! I'm so glad the surgery went well and that you're ok! Have fun in Canada!!!